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Loading (and using) C++ modules

The bamboo.root module defines a few thin wrappers to load additional libraries or headers with the ROOT interpreter (PyROOT makes them directly accessible through the global namespace, which can be imported as gbl from bamboo.root. The bamboo.root.loadDependency() allows to load a combination of headers and libraries; it is best called through the backend’s addDependency() method, which will also correctly register all components for the compilation of standalone executables, when using the compiled backend (see below). As an example, the library that contains the dictionaries for the classes used in Delphes output trees can be added as follows:


In this specific case, bamboo.root.addLibrary("libDelphes") should also be added to the analysis module’s initialize() method, to make sure the library is added before any file is opened. For a module that is used in calculating expressions, it is sufficient to load it only from the prepareTree() or processTrees() method (repeated loads should not cause problems).

C++ methods can be used directly from an expression. Non-member methods that are known by the interpreter (e.g. because the corresponding header has been added with bamboo.root.loadHeader()), can be retrieved with bamboo.treefunctions.extMethod(), which returns a decorated version of the method.

It is often useful to define a class that stores some parameters, and then call a member method with event quantities to obtain a derived quantity (this is also the mechanism used for most of the builtin corrections). In order to use such a class, its header (and shared library, if necessary) should be loaded as above, and an instance defined with bamboo.treefunctions.define(), e.g.

myCalc = op.define("MyCalculatorType", 'const auto <<name>> = MyCalculatorType("test");')
myCorrection = myCalc.evaluate(tree.Muon[0].pt, tree.Muon[1].pt)


With implicit multi-threading enabled, only thread-safe methods may be called in this way (e.g. const member methods, without global or member variables used for caching).


The usual logic to avoid redefinition of these variables is applied. In cases like above where all parameters are supplied at once, this will work as expected. If the calculator is further configured by calling member methods (it can be accessed directly through PyROOT), it is safer to create a unique instance for each sample, e.g. by adding a comment that contains the sample name at the end of the declaration (an optional nameHint argument can be given to make the generated code more readable, but this will be ignored in case the declaration string is the same).

Ordering selections and plots efficiently

Internally, Bamboo uses the RDataFrame class to process the input samples and produce histograms or skimmed trees—in fact no python code is run while looping over the events: Bamboo builds up a computation graph when Selection and Plot objects are defined by the analysis module’s definePlots() method, RDataFrame compiles the expressions for the cuts and variables, and the input files and events are only looped over once, when the histograms are retrieved and stored.

In practice, however, there are not only Filter (Selection) and Fill (Plot) nodes in the computation graph, but also Define nodes that calculate a quantity based on other columns and make the result available for downstream nodes to use directly. This is computationally more efficient if the calculation is complex enough. Bamboo tries to make a good guess at which (sub-)expressions are worth pre-calculating (typically operations that require looping over a collection), but the order in which plots and selections are defined may still help to avoid inserting the same operation twice in the computation graph.

The main feature to be aware of is that RDataFrame makes a node in the computation graph for every Define operation, and the defined column can only be used from nodes downstream of that. Logically, however, all defined columns needed for plots or sub-selections of one selection will need to be evaluated for all events passing this selection, and the most efficient is to do this only once, so ideally all definitions should be inserted right after the Filter operation of the selection, and before any of the Fill and subsequent Filter nodes. This is a bit of a simplification: it is possible to imagine cases where it can be better to have a column only defined for the sub-nodes that actually use it, but then it is hard to know in all possible cases where exactly to insert the definitions, so the current implementation opts for a simple and predictable solution: on-demand definitions of subexpressions are done when Plot and Selection objects are constructed, and they update the computation graph node that other nodes that derive from the same selection will be based on. A direct consequence of this is that it is usually more efficient to first define plots for a stage of the selection, and only then define refined selections based on it—otherwise the subselection will be based on the node without the columns defined for the plots and, in the common case where the same plots are made at different stages of the selection, recreate nodes with the same definitions in its branch of the graph. As an illustration, the pseudocode equivalent of these two cases is

## define first subselection then plots
## some_calculation(other_columns) is done twice
if selectionA:
    if selectionB:
       myColumn1 = some_calculation(other_columns)
       myPlot1B = makePlot(myColumn1)
    myColumn2 = some_calculation(other_columns)
    myPlot1A = makePlot(myColumn2)

## define first plots then subselection
## some_calculation(other_columns) is only done once
if selectionA:

    myColumn1 = some_calculation(other_columns)
    myPlot1A = makePlot(myColumn1)
    if selectionB:
       myPlot1B = makePlot(myColumn1)

This is why it is advisable to reserve the definePlots() method of the analysis module for defining event and object container selections, and define helper methods that declare the plots for a given selection—with a parameter that is inserted in the plot name to make sure they are unique, if used to define the same plots for different selection stages, e.g.

def makeDileptonPlots(self, sel, leptons, uname):
    from bamboo.plots import Plot, EquidistantBinning
    from bamboo import treefunctions as op
    plots = [
            op.invariant_mass(leptons[0].p4, leptons[1].p4), sel,
            EquidistantBinning(100, 20., 120.),
            title="Dilepton invariant mass",
    return plots

def definePlots(self, t, noSel, sample=None, sampleCfg=None):
    from bamboo import treefunctions as op

    plots = []

    muons =, lambda mu : op.AND(mu.p4.Pt() > 20., op.abs(mu.p4.Eta() < 2.4)))

    twoMuSel = noSel.refine("twoMuons", cut=[ op.rng_len(muons) > 1 ])

    plots += self.makeDileptonPlots(twoMuSel, muons, "DiMu")

    jets =, lambda j : j.p4.Pt() > 30.)

    twoMuTwoJetSel = twoMuSel.refine("twoMuonsTwoJets", cut=[ op.rng_len(jets) > 1 ])

    plots += self.makeDileptonPlots(twoMuTwoJetSel, muons, "DiMu2j")

    return plots

Finally, there are some cases where the safest is to force the inclusion of a calculation at a certain stage, for instance when performing expensive function calls, since the default strategy is not to precalculate these because there are many more function calls that are not costly. A prime example of this is the calculation of modified jet collections with e.g. an alternative JEC aplied, which is done in a separate C++ module (see below), and is probably the slowest operation in most analysis tasks. The definition can be added explicitly under a selection by calling the bamboo.analysisutils.forceDefine() method, e.g. with

for calcProd in t._Jet.calcProds:
    forceDefine(calcProd, mySelection)

Different backends

Different approaches for converting plots and selections to an RDataFrame graph have been implemented, each with some advantages and disadvantages. The --backend option of the bambooRun command allows to select one. The default approach is to generate the necessary helper methods and define JITted nodes whenever a plot or selection is added. This has the advantage that if there is a problem that can be detected at this stage, it is easy to trace back.

The lazy backend (--backend==lazy) instead waits for all plots and selections to be defined before constructing the graph. In principle, that ensures the order from the previous section, so depending on the case it will generate a more efficient graph. This uses the same JITted Define and Filter nodes as the default.

The experimental compiled backend takes things a step further, by generating the full C++ source for a standalone executable, essentially eliminating the need for any type inference at runtime. The structure of the graph will be identical to the one from the lazy backend, but with compiled instead of JITted nodes.


Event processing with such an executable will be faster—in many cases by a significant amount—but the time needed for compilation, and especially the memory usage during compilation and linking, may be non-negligible. A few dynamic features (e.g. progress printing) are currently disabled as well. More efficiently using the compiled backend is closely tied to reusing the same executable across batch jobs and for different samples, and compiling different executables in parallel. These are planned, but they need some restructuring of the code, which will be done in steps as they will also allow for some other new features to be added, e.g. only producing a subset of the histograms, and using distributed RDF.

The compiled backend takes a few additional options, which can be passed by setting its attributes (a reference to the backend should be returned by the prepareTree() method). These are:

  • cmakeConfigOptions: options passed to CMake when configuring the build, in addition to the path and the variables needed to pick up the bamboo C++ extensions (default: ["-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"], which implies -O3)

  • cmakeBuildOptions: options passed to cmake --build when compiling the executable

In case anything goes wrong during the configuration or build, the temporary directory will be saved, and the errors and path printed in the log file.