Bamboo: A high-level HEP analysis library for ROOT::RDataFrame ============================================================== The RDataFrame_ class provides an efficient and flexible way to process per-event information (stored in a TTree_) and e.g. aggregate it into histograms. With the typical pattern of storing object arrays as a structure of arrays (variable-sized branches with a common prefix in the names and length), the expressions that are typically needed for a complete analysis quickly become cumbersome to write (with indices to match, repeated sub-expressions etc.). As an example, imagine the expression needed to calculate the invariant mass of the two leading muons from a NanoAOD (which stores momenta with pt, eta and phi branches): one way is to construct LorentzVector objects, sum and evaluate the invariant mass. Next imagine doing the same thing with the two highest-pt jets that have a b-tag and are not within some cone of the two leptons you already selected in another way (while keeping the code maintainable enough to allow for passing jet momenta with a systematic variation applied). Bamboo attempts to solve this problem by automatically constructing lightweight python wrappers based on the structure of the TTree_, which allow to construct such expression with high-level code, similar to the language that is commonly used to discuss and describe them. By constructing an object representation of the expression, a few powerful operations can be used to compose complex expressions. This also allows to automate the construction of derived expressions, e.g. for shape systematic variation histograms. Building selections, plots etc. with such expressions is analysis-specific, but the mechanics of loading data samples, processing them locally or on a batch system (and merging the output of that), combining the outputs for different samples in an overview etc. is very similar over a broad range of use cases. Therefore a common implementation of these is provided, which can be used by extending a base class (to fill histograms and make stacked plots, a class needs to be written with a method that returns a list of 'plot' objects |---| each essentially a combination of an x-axis variable, selection, and weight to apply to every event |---| and a configuration file that specifies which datasets should be processed, and how they should be stacked). Presentations ------------- Bamboo has been presented at several workshops and working meetings: - `PyHEP2019 `_ (16 October 2019): presentation__ `10.5281/zenodo.3959253 `_ - `84th ROOT Parallelism, Performance and Programming Model Meeting `_ (8 October 2020) - `CMS Physics Workshop on Analysis Tools and Techniques `_ (20 November 2020) `presentation `_ [CMS internal] - `HSF WLCG Virtual Workshop `_ (24 November 2020) presentation__ - `HSF Data Analysis working group: Metadata discussions `_ (16 February 2021) - `vCHEP2021 `_ (18 May 2021) presentation__ __ __ __ A general writeup of the framework is also available in `10.1051/epjconf/202125103052 `_ or `2103.01889 `_, which may be cited as .. code-block:: bibtex @article{David:2021ohq, author = "David, Pieter", title = "{Readable and efficient HEP data analysis with bamboo}", DOI= "10.1051/epjconf/202125103052", journal = {EPJ Web Conf.}, year = 2021, volume = 251, pages = "03052", eprint = "2103.01889", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "", reportNumber = "CP3-21-05", } .. _RDataFrame: .. _TTree: .. |---| unicode:: U+2014 :trim: Table of contents ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Introduction install userguide treefunctions recipes advanced hacking apiref Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`