Source code for bamboo.treefunctions

# used as a namespace, so avoid filling it with lower-level objects
import logging

from . import treeoperations as _to
from . import treeproxies as _tp
from .root import loadBambooExtensions


_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def typeOf(arg): """ Get the inferred C++ type of a bamboo expression (proxy or TupleOp) """ return _to.adaptArg(arg).typeName
# simple type support
[docs] def c_bool(arg): """ Construct a boolean constant """ if arg: return _to.Const(_to.boolType, "true").result else: return _to.Const(_to.boolType, "false").result
[docs] def c_int(num, typeName=_to.intType, cast=None): """ Construct an integer number constant (static_cast inserted automatically if not 'int', a boolean can be passed to 'cast' to force or disable this) """ ct = _tp.makeConst(num, typeName) if cast or (cast is None and typeName != _to.intType): ct = static_cast(typeName, ct) return ct
[docs] def c_float(num, typeName=_to.floatType, cast=None): """ Construct a floating-point number constant (static_cast inserted automatically if not 'double', a boolean can be passed to 'cast' to force or disable this) """ ct = _tp.makeConst(num, typeName) if cast or (cast is None and typeName != _to.floatType): ct = static_cast(typeName, ct) return ct
def _adaptSameType(a1, a2): # helper to share conversions for min, max, and switch isOp = tuple(isinstance(arg, _to.TupleOp) or isinstance(arg, _to.TupleBaseProxy) for arg in (a1, a2)) if not (isOp[0] and isOp[1]): # make them the same type a1, a2 = tuple(_to.adaptArg(arg, typeHint=_to.floatType) for arg in (a1, a2)) if a1.typeName != a2.typeName: # this can only happen if one is an expression and one a constant if isOp[0]: a2 = static_cast(a1.typeName, a2) if isOp[1]: a1 = static_cast(a2.typeName, a1) return a1, a2 # boolean logic
[docs] def NOT(sth): """ Logical NOT """ return _to.MathOp("not", _to.adaptArg(sth, typeHint=_to.boolType)).result
[docs] def AND(*args): """ Logical AND """ if len(args) == 1: return _to.adaptArg(args[0], typeHint=_to.boolType).result else: return _to.MathOp("and", *[_to.adaptArg(arg, typeHint=_to.boolType) for arg in args]).result
[docs] def OR(*args): """ Logical OR """ if len(args) == 1: return _to.adaptArg(args[0], typeHint=_to.boolType).result else: return _to.MathOp("or", *[_to.adaptArg(arg, typeHint=_to.boolType) for arg in args]).result
[docs] def switch(test, trueBranch, falseBranch, checkTypes=True): """ Pick one or another value, based on a third one (ternary operator in C++) :Example: >>> op.switch(runOnMC, mySF, 1.) ## incomplete pseudocode """ # ensure the same type in case one is a constant trueBranch, falseBranch = _adaptSameType(trueBranch, falseBranch) if checkTypes: aType = _to.adaptArg(trueBranch).typeName bType = _to.adaptArg(falseBranch).typeName if aType != bType: if not any(aType in typeGroup and bType in typeGroup for typeGroup in (_tp._boolTypes, _tp._integerTypes, _tp._floatTypes)): _logger.warning(f"Possibly incompatible types: {aType} and {bType}") return _to.MathOp("switch", test, trueBranch, falseBranch).result
[docs] def multiSwitch(*args): """ Construct arbitrary-length switch (if-elif-elif-...-else sequence) :Example: >>> op.multiSwitch(( > 30, 4.), ( > 15 && op.abs(lepton.eta) < 2.1, 5.), 3.) is equivalent to: >>> if > 30: >>> return 5. >>> elif > 15 and abs(lepton.eta) < 2.1: >>> return 4. >>> else: >>> return 3. """ if len(args) == 1: return args[0] else: return switch(args[0][0], args[0][1], multiSwitch(*(args[1:])))
[docs] def extMethod(name, returnType=None): """ Retrieve a (non-member) C(++) method :param name: name of the method :param returnType: return type (otherwise deduced by introspection) :returns: a method proxy, that can be called and returns a value decorated as the return type of the method :Example: >>> phi_0_2pi = op.extMethod("ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Phi_0_2pi") >>> dphi_2pi = phi_0_2pi(a.Phi()-b.Phi()) """ return _tp.MethodProxy(name, returnType=returnType)
[docs] def extVar(typeName, name): """ Use a variable or object defined outside bamboo :param typeName: C++ type name :param name: name in the current scope :returns: a proxy to the variable or object """ return _to.ExtVar(typeName, name).result
[docs] def construct(typeName, args): """ Construct an object :param typeName: C++ type name :param args: constructor argumnts :returns: a proxy to the constructed object """ if not hasattr(args, "__iter__"): args = (args,) return _to.Construct(typeName, args).result
[docs] def static_cast(typeName, arg): """ Compile-time type conversion mostly for internal use, prefer higher-level functions where possible :param typeName: C++ type to cast to :param arg: value to cast :returns: a proxy to the casted value """ return _to.CallMethod( f"static_cast<{typeName}>", (arg,), returnType=typeName, getFromRoot=False ).result
[docs] def initList(typeName, valueType, elements): """ Construct a C++ initializer list mostly for internal use, prefer higher-level functions where possible :param typeName: C++ type to use for the proxy (note that initializer lists do not have a type) :param valueType: C++ type of the elements in the list :param elements: list elements :returns: a proxy to the list """ return _to.InitList(typeName, elements, elmType=valueType).result
[docs] def array(valueType, *elements): """ Helper to make a constructing a std::array easier :param valueType: array element C++ type :param elements: array elements :returns: a proxy to the array """ arrayType = f"std::array<{valueType},{len(elements):d}>" return _tp.ArrayProxy( _to.Construct(arrayType, (initList(arrayType, valueType, elements),)), valueType, _to.adaptArg(len(elements), _to.SizeType))
[docs] def define(typeName, definition, nameHint=None): """ Define a variable as a symbol with the interpreter :param typeName: result type name :param definition: C++ definition string, with ``<<name>>`` instead of the variable name (which will be replaced by nameHint or a unique name) :param nameHint: (optional) name for the variable .. caution:: nameHint (if given) should be unique (for the sample), otherwise an exception will be thrown """ return _to.DefinedSymbol(typeName, definition, nameHint=nameHint).result
[docs] def defineOnFirstUse(sth): """ Construct an expression that will be precalculated (with an RDataFrame::Define node) when first used This may be useful for expensive function calls, and should prevent double work in most cases. Sometimes it is useful to explicitly insert the Define node explicitly, in that case :py:func:`bamboo.analysisutils.forceDefine` can be used. """ arg = _to.adaptArg(sth) if isinstance(arg, _to.DefineOnFirstUse): return sth else: return _to.DefineOnFirstUse(arg).result
# math
[docs] def abs(sth): """ Return the absolute value :Example: >>> op.abs(t.Muon[0].p4.Eta()) """ return _to.MathOp("abs", sth).result
[docs] def sign(sth): """ Return the sign of a number :Example: >>> op.sign(t.Muon[0].p4.Eta()) """ return switch( sth != 0., extMethod("std::lround", returnType="long")(sth / abs(sth)), c_int(0, typeName="long") )
[docs] def sum(*args, **kwargs): """ Return the sum of the arguments :Example: >>> op.sum(t.Muon[0].p4.Eta(), t.Muon[1].p4.Eta()) """ return _to.MathOp("add", *args, **kwargs).result
[docs] def product(*args): """ Return the product of the arguments :Example: >>> op.product(t.Muon[0].p4.Eta(), t.Muon[1].p4.Eta()) """ return _to.MathOp("multiply", *args).result
[docs] def sqrt(sth): """ Return the square root of a number :Example: >>> m1, m2 = t.Muon[0].p4, t.Muon[1].p4 >>> m12dR = op.sqrt( op.pow(m1.Eta()-m2.Eta(), 2) + op.pow(m1.Phi()-m2.Phi(), 2) ) """ return _to.MathOp("sqrt", sth).result
[docs] def pow(base, exp): """ Return a power of a number :Example: >>> m1, m2 = t.Muon[0].p4, t.Muon[1].p4 >>> m12dR = op.sqrt( op.pow(m1.Eta()-m2.Eta(), 2) + op.pow(m1.Phi()-m2.Phi(), 2) ) """ return _to.MathOp("pow", base, exp).result
[docs] def exp(sth): """ Return the exponential of a number :Example: >>> op.exp(op.abs(t.Muon[0].p4.Eta())) """ return _to.MathOp("exp", sth).result
[docs] def log(sth): """ Return the natural logarithm of a number :Example: >>> op.log(t.Muon[0].p4.Pt()) """ return _to.MathOp("log", sth).result
[docs] def log10(sth): """ Return the base-10 logarithm of a number :Example: >>> op.log10(t.Muon[0].p4.Pt()) """ return _to.MathOp("log10", sth).result
[docs] def sin(sth): """ Return the sine of a number :Example: >>> op.sin(t.Muon[0].p4.Phi()) """ return _to.MathOp("sin", sth).result
[docs] def cos(sth): """ Return the cosine of a number :Example: >>> op.cos(t.Muon[0].p4.Phi()) """ return _to.MathOp("cos", sth).result
[docs] def tan(sth): """ Return the tangent of a number :Example: >>> op.tan(t.Muon[0].p4.Phi()) """ return _to.MathOp("tan", sth).result
[docs] def asin(sth): """ Return the arcsine of a number :Example: >>> op.asin(op.c_float(3.1415)) """ return _to.MathOp("asin", sth).result
[docs] def acos(sth): """ Return the arccosine of a number :Example: >>> op.ascos(op.c_float(3.1415)) """ return _to.MathOp("acos", sth).result
[docs] def atan(sth): """ Return the arctangent of a number :Example: >>> op.atan(op.c_float(3.1415)) """ return _to.MathOp("atan", sth).result
[docs] def max(a1, a2): """ Return the maximum of two numbers :Example: >>> op.max(op.abs(t.Muon[0].eta), op.abs(t.Muon[1].eta)) """ return _to.MathOp("max", *_adaptSameType(a1, a2)).result
[docs] def min(a1, a2): """ Return the minimum of two numbers :Example: >>> op.min(op.abs(t.Muon[0].eta), op.abs(t.Muon[1].eta)) """ return _to.MathOp("min", *_adaptSameType(a1, a2)).result
[docs] def in_range(low, arg, up): """ Check if a value is inside a range (boundaries excluded) :Example: >>> op.in_range(10., t.Muon[0].p4.Pt(), 20.) """ return extMethod("rdfhelpers::in_range", returnType=_to.boolType)( *(_to.adaptArg(iarg, typeHint=_to.floatType) for iarg in (low, arg, up)))
# Kinematics and helpers
[docs] def withMass(arg, massVal): """ Construct a Lorentz vector with given mass (taking the other components from the input) :Example: >>> pW = withMass((j1.p4+j2.p4), 80.4) """ return extMethod( "rdfhelpers::withMass", returnType="ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<float> >" )(arg, _to.adaptArg(massVal, typeHint=_to.floatType))
def _scalarType(p4): if "<float>" in p4.typeName: return "float" elif "<double>" in p4.typeName: return "double" else: return _to.floatType
[docs] def invariant_mass(*args): """ Calculate the invariant mass of the arguments :Example: >>> mElEl = op.invariant_mass(t.Electron[0].p4, t.Electron[1].p4) .. note:: Unlike in the example above, :py:meth:`bamboo.treefunctions.combine` should be used to make N-particle combinations in most practical cases """ if len(args) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Need at least one argument to calculate invariant mass") elif len(args) == 1: return args[0].M() elif len(args) == 2: return extMethod("ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::InvariantMass", returnType=_scalarType(_to.adaptArg(args[0])))(*args) else: return sum(*args, outType=args[0]._typeName).M()
[docs] def invariant_mass_squared(*args): """ Calculate the squared invariant mass of the arguments using ``ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::InvariantMass2`` :Example: >>> m2ElEl = op.invariant_mass2(t.Electron[0].p4, t.Electron[1].p4) """ if len(args) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Need at least one argument to calculate invariant mass") elif len(args) == 1: return args[0].M2() elif len(args) == 2: return extMethod("ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::InvariantMass2", returnType=_scalarType(_to.adaptArg(args[0])))(*args) else: return sum(*args, outType=args[0]._typeName).M2()
[docs] def deltaPhi(a1, a2): """ Calculate the difference in azimutal angles (using ``ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaPhi``) :Example: >>> elelDphi = op.deltaPhi(t.Electron[0].p4, t.Electron[1].p4) """ a1 = _to.adaptArg(a1) a2 = _to.adaptArg(a2) if all(isinstance(arg, _to.Construct) and arg.typeName.startswith("ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhi") for arg in (a1, a2)): return Phi_mpi_pi(a2.args[2].result - a1.args[2].result) else: return extMethod("ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaPhi", returnType=_scalarType(_to.adaptArg(a1)))(a1, a2)
[docs] def Phi_mpi_pi(a): """ Return an angle between -pi and pi """ return extMethod("ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Phi_mpi_pi", returnType="double")(a)
[docs] def Phi_0_2pi(a): """ Return an angle between 0 and 2*pi """ return extMethod("ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Phi_0_2pi", returnType="double")(a)
[docs] def deltaR(a1, a2): """ Calculate the Delta R distance (using ``ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR``) :Example: >>> elelDR = op.deltaR(t.Electron[0].p4, t.Electron[1].p4) """ a1 = _to.adaptArg(a1) a2 = _to.adaptArg(a2) if all(isinstance(arg, _to.Construct) and arg.typeName.startswith("ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhi") for arg in (a1, a2)): return sqrt(extMethod("rdfhelpers::deltaR2", returnType="float")( a2.args[1].result - a1.args[1].result, a2.args[2].result - a1.args[2].result)) else: return extMethod("ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR", returnType=_scalarType(_to.adaptArg(a1)))(a1, a2)
# range operations
[docs] def rng_len(sth): """ Get the number of elements in a range :param rng: input range :Example: >>> nElectrons = op.rng_len(t.Electron) """ return sth.__len__() # __builtins__.len checks it is an integer
[docs] def rng_sum(rng, fun=lambda x: x, start=None): """ Sum the values of a function over a range :param rng: input range :param fun: function whose value should be used (a callable that takes an element of the range and returns a number) :param start: initial value (0. by default) :Example: >>> totalMuCharge = op.rng_sum(t.Muon, lambda mu : mu.charge) """ if start is None: start = c_float(0.) return _to.Reduce.fromRngFun(rng, start, (lambda fn: ( lambda res, elm: res + fn(elm) ))(fun))
[docs] def rng_count(rng, pred=None): # specialised version of sum, for convenience """ Count the number of elements passing a selection :param rng: input range :param pred: selection predicate (a callable that takes an element of the range and returns a boolean) :Example: >>> nCentralMu = op.rng_count(t.Muon, lambda mu : op.abs(mu.p4.Eta() < 2.4)) """ if pred is None: return rng_len(rng) else: return _to.Reduce.fromRngFun(rng, c_int(0), (lambda prd: ( lambda res, elm: res + switch(prd(elm), c_int(1), c_int(0)) ))(pred))
[docs] def rng_product(rng, fun=lambda x: x): """ Calculate the production of a function over a range :param rng: input range :param fun: function whose value should be used (a callable that takes an element of the range and returns a number) :Example: >>> overallMuChargeSign = op.rng_product(t.Muon, lambda mu : mu.charge) """ return _to.Reduce.fromRngFun(rng, c_float(1.), (lambda fn: ( lambda res, elm: res * fn(elm) ))(fun))
[docs] def rng_max(rng, fun=lambda x: x): """ Find the highest value of a function in a range :param rng: input range :param fun: function whose value should be used (a callable that takes an element of the range and returns a number) :Example: >>> mostForwardMuEta = op.rng_max(t.Muon. lambda mu : op.abs(mu.p4.Eta())) """ return _to.Reduce.fromRngFun(rng, c_float(float("-inf"), fun(rng[0])._typeName), (lambda fn, mx: ( lambda res, elm: mx(res, fn(elm)) ))(fun, max))
[docs] def rng_min(rng, fun=lambda x: x): """ Find the lowest value of a function in a range :param rng: input range :param fun: function whose value should be used (a callable that takes an element of the range and returns a number) :Example: >>> mostCentralMuEta = op.rng_min(t.Muon. lambda mu : op.abs(mu.p4.Eta())) """ return _to.Reduce.fromRngFun(rng, c_float(float("+inf"), fun(rng[0])._typeName), (lambda fn, mn: ( lambda res, elm: mn(res, fn(elm)) ))(fun, min))
def _idxGetter(itemType): if itemType is None or itemType == "struct": raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid item type: {itemType!s}") if (not isinstance(itemType, str)) and issubclass(itemType, _tp.ItemProxyBase): # collection return True, (lambda elm: elm.idx) else: # not a collection, so no need to go back to "base" container return False, (lambda elm: elm.op.index)
[docs] def rng_max_element_index(rng, fun=lambda elm: elm): """ Find the index of the element for which the value of a function is maximal :param rng: input range :param fun: function whose value should be used (a callable that takes an element of the range and returns a number) :returns: the index of the maximal element in the base collection if rng is a collection, otherwise (e.g. if rng is a vector or array proxy) the index of the maximal element in rng :Example: >>> i_mostForwardMu = op.rng_max_element_index(t.Muon. lambda mu : op.abs(mu.p4.Eta())) """ pairType = f"std::pair<{_to.SizeType},{_to.floatType}>" fromColl, getIdx = _idxGetter(rng.valueType) return _to.Reduce.fromRngFun( rng, construct(pairType, (c_int(-1), c_float(float("-inf"), fun(rng[0])._typeName))), (lambda fn, tp, gi: (lambda ibest, elm: extMethod( "rdfhelpers::maxPairBySecond", returnType=tp)( ibest, gi(elm), fn(elm))))(fun, pairType, getIdx)).first
[docs] def rng_max_element_by(rng, fun=lambda elm: elm): """ Find the element for which the value of a function is maximal :param rng: input range :param fun: function whose value should be used (a callable that takes an element of the range and returns a number) :Example: >>> mostForwardMu = op.rng_max_element_by(t.Muon. lambda mu : op.abs(mu.p4.Eta())) """ return rng._getItem(rng_max_element_index(rng, fun=fun))
[docs] def rng_min_element_index(rng, fun=lambda elm: elm): """ Find the index of the element for which the value of a function is minimal :param rng: input range :param fun: function whose value should be used (a callable that takes an element of the range and returns a number) :returns: the index of the minimal element in the base collection if rng is a collection, otherwise (e.g. if rng is a vector or array proxy) the index of the minimal element in rng :Example: >>> i_mostCentralMu = op.rng_min_element_index(t.Muon. lambda mu : op.abs(mu.p4.Eta())) """ pairType = f"std::pair<{_to.SizeType},{_to.floatType}>" fromColl, getIdx = _idxGetter(rng.valueType) return _to.Reduce.fromRngFun( rng, construct(pairType, (c_int(-1), c_float(float("+inf"), fun(rng[0])._typeName))), (lambda fn, tp, gi: (lambda ibest, elm: extMethod( "rdfhelpers::minPairBySecond", returnType=tp)( ibest, gi(elm), fn(elm))))(fun, pairType, getIdx)).first
[docs] def rng_min_element_by(rng, fun=lambda elm: elm): """ Find the element for which the value of a function is minimal :param rng: input range :param fun: function whose value should be used (a callable that takes an element of the range and returns a number) :Example: >>> mostCentralMu = op.rng_min_element_by(t.Muon. lambda mu : op.abs(mu.p4.Eta())) """ return rng._getItem(rng_min_element_index(rng, fun=fun))
[docs] def rng_mean(rng): """ Return the mean of a range :param rng: input range :Example: >>> pdf_mean = op.rng_mean(t.LHEPdfWeight) """ return extMethod("rdfhelpers::Mean", returnType="Double_t")(rng)
[docs] def rng_stddev(rng): """ Return the (sample) standard deviation of a range :param rng: input range :Example: >>> pdf_uncertainty = op.rng_stddev(t.LHEPdfWeight) """ return extMethod("rdfhelpers::StdDev", returnType="Double_t")(rng)
# early-exit algorithms
[docs] def rng_any(rng, pred=lambda elm: elm): """ Test if any item in a range passes a selection :param rng: input range :param pred: selection predicate (a callable that takes an element of the range and returns a boolean) :Example: >>> hasCentralMu = op.rng_any(t.Muon. lambda mu : op.abs(mu.p4.Eta()) < 2.4) """ _, getIdx = _idxGetter(rng.valueType) return _tp.makeConst(-1, _to.SizeType) != getIdx(_to.Next.fromRngFun(rng, pred))
[docs] def rng_find(rng, pred=lambda elm: _tp.makeConst("true", _to.boolType)): """ Find the first item in a range that passes a selection :param rng: input range :param pred: selection predicate (a callable that takes an element of the range and returns a boolean) :Example: >>> leadCentralMu = op.rng_find(t.Muon, lambda mu : op.abs(mu.p4.Eta()) < 2.4) """ return _to.Next.fromRngFun(rng, pred)
# range-to-range: selection, combinatorics, systematic variations
[docs] def select(rng, pred=(lambda elm: c_bool(True))): """ Select elements from the range that pass a cut :param rng: input range :param pred: selection predicate (a callable that takes an element of the range and returns a boolean) :Example: >>> centralMuons =, lambda mu : op.abs(mu.p4.Eta()) < 2.4) """ return _to.Select.fromRngFun(rng, pred)
[docs] def sort(rng, fun=(lambda elm: c_float(0.))): """ Sort the range (ascendingly) by the value of a function applied on each element :param rng: input range :param fun: function by whose value the elements should be sorted :Example: >>> muonsByCentrality = op.sort(t.Muon, lambda mu : op.abs(mu.p4.Eta())) """ return _to.Sort.fromRngFun(rng, fun)
[docs] def map(rng, fun, valueType=None): """ Create a list of derived values for a collection This is useful for storing a derived quantity each item of a collection on a skim, and also for filling a histogram for each entry in a collection. :param rng: input range :param fun: function to calculate derived values :param valueType: stored return type (optional, ``fun(rng[i])`` should be convertible to this type) :Example: >>> muon_absEta =, lambda mu : op.abs(mu.p4.Eta())) """ return _to.Map.fromRngFun(rng, fun, typeName=valueType)
[docs] def rng_pickRandom(rng, seed=0): """ Pick a random element from a range :param rng: range to pick an element from :param seed: seed for the random generator .. caution:: empty placeholder, to be implemented """ return rng[_to.PseudoRandom(0, rng_len(rng), seed, isIntegral=True)]
[docs] def svFitMTT(MET, lepton1, lepton2, category): """Calculate the mass of the reconstructed tau pair using the SVfit algorithm. It employs the ClassicSVfit method. :param MET: Missing transverse energy. It must include a covariance matrix. :param lepton1: 1st lepton (e/mu/tau) from the tau pair. :param lepton2: 2nd lepton (e/mu/tau) from the tau pair. :param category: Tau pair category. Only "1mu1tau," "1ele1tau," and "2tau" are supported. .. caution:: This function works only if the SVfit package is installed. """ svFitBambooProducer = define("SVfitBambooProducer", 'auto <<name>> = SVfitBambooProducer();') mass = svFitBambooProducer.computeSVfit( MET.covXX, MET.covXY, MET.covXY, MET.covYY, * cos(MET.phi), * sin(MET.phi), lepton1.p4.Pt(), lepton1.p4.Eta(), lepton1.p4.Phi(), lepton1.p4.M(), lepton2.p4.Pt(), lepton2.p4.Eta(), lepton2.p4.Phi(), lepton2.p4.M(), _to.Const("std::string", f"\"{category}\"")) return mass
[docs] def svFitFastMTT(MET, lepton1, lepton2, category): """Calculate the four-vector of the reconstructed tau pair using the SVfit algorithm. It employs the FastMTT method. :param MET: Missing transverse energy. It must include a covariance matrix. :param lepton1: 1st lepton (e/mu/tau) from the tau pair. :param lepton2: 2nd lepton (e/mu/tau) from the tau pair. :param category: Tau pair category. Only "1mu1tau," "1ele1tau," and "2tau" are supported. .. caution:: This function works only if the SVfit package is installed. """ svFitBambooProducer = define("SVfitBambooProducer", 'auto <<name>> = SVfitBambooProducer();') ttP4Fast = svFitBambooProducer.computeFastMTT( MET.covXX, MET.covXY, MET.covXY, MET.covYY, * cos(MET.phi), * sin(MET.phi), lepton1.p4.Pt(), lepton1.p4.Eta(), lepton1.p4.Phi(), lepton1.p4.M(), lepton2.p4.Pt(), lepton2.p4.Eta(), lepton2.p4.Phi(), lepton2.p4.M(), _to.Const("std::string", f"\"{category}\"")) return ttP4Fast
[docs] def combine(rng, N=None, pred=(lambda *parts: c_bool(True)), samePred=lambda o1, o2: o1.idx < o2.idx): """ Create N-particle combination from one or several ranges :param rng: range (or iterable of ranges) with basic objects to combine :param N: number of objects to combine (at least 2), in case of multiple ranges it does not need to be given (``len(rng)`` will be taken; if specified they should match) :param pred: selection to apply to candidates (a callable that takes the constituents and returns a boolean) :param samePred: additional selection for objects from the same base container (a callable that takes two objects and returns a boolean, it needs to be true for any sorted pair of objects from the same container in a candidate combination). The default avoids duplicates by keeping the indices (in the base container) sorted; ``None`` will not apply any selection, and consider all combinations, including those with the same object repeated. :Example: >>> osdimu = op.combine(t.Muon, N=2, pred=lambda mu1,mu2 : mu1.charge != mu2.charge) >>> firstosdimu = osdimu[0] >>> firstosdimu_Mll = op.invariant_mass(firstosdimu[0].p4, firstosdimu[1].p4) >>> oselmu = op.combine((t.Electron, t.Muon), pred=lambda el,mu : el.charge != mu.charge) >>> trijet = op.combine(t.Jet, N=3, samePred=lambda j1,j2 : > >>> trijet = op.combine( >>> t.Jet, N=3, pred=lambda j1,j2,j3 : op.AND( >, >, samePred=None) .. note:: The default value for ``samePred`` undoes the sorting that may have been applied between the base container(s) and the argument(s) in ``rng``. The third and fourth examples above are equivalent, and show how to get three-jet combinations, with the jets sorted by decreasing pT. The latter is more efficient since it avoids the unnecessary comparison `` >``, which follows from the other two. In that case no other sorting should be done, otherwise combinations will only be retained if sorted by both criteria; this can be done by passing ``samePred=None``. ``samePred=(lambda o1,o2 : o1.idx != o2.idx)`` can be used to get all permutations. """ if not hasattr(rng, "__iter__"): rng = (rng,) elif N is None: N = len(rng) elif N <= 1: raise RuntimeError("Can only make combinations of more than one") if len(rng) != N and len(rng) != 1: raise RuntimeError( f"If N(={len(rng):d}) input ranges are given, only N-combinations can be made, not {N:d}") return _to.Combine.fromRngFun(N, rng, pred, samePred=samePred)
[docs] def systematic(nominal, name=None, **kwargs): """ Construct an expression that will change under some systematic variations This is useful when e.g. changing weights for some systematics. The expressions for different variations are assumed (but not checked) to be of the same type, so this should only be used for simple types (typically a number or a range of numbers); containers etc. need to be taken into account in the decorators. :Example: >>> psWeight = op.systematic(tree.ps_nominal, name="pdf", up=tree.ps_up, down=tree.ps_down) >>> addSys10percent = op.systematic( >>> op.c_float(1.), name="additionalSystematic1", up=op.c_float(1.1), down=op.c_float(0.9)) >>> importantSF = op.systematic(op.c_float(1.), mySF_systup=op.c_float(1.1), mySF_systdown=op.c_float(0.9), mySF_statup=1.04, mySF_statdown=.97) :param nominal: nominal expression :param kwargs: alternative expressions. "up" and "down" (any capitalization) will be prefixed with name, if given :param name: optional name of the systematic uncertainty source to prepend to "up" or "down" """ variations = dict() for varNm, varExpr in kwargs.items(): isUpDown = (varNm.lower() in ("up", "down")) if name and isUpDown: variations[f"{name}{varNm.lower()}"] = _to.adaptArg(varExpr) else: if name: _logger.warning( "Systematic name given, and variation not up or down, " f"using only variation name '{varNm}'") if isUpDown: _logger.error( f"Variation {varNm} and no systematic name given, " f"this is probably wrong (all {varNm} will be varied together)") variations[varNm] = _to.adaptArg(varExpr) return _to.SystAltOp(_to.adaptArg(nominal), variations).result
[docs] def getSystematicVariations(expr): """ Get the list of systematic variations affecting an expression """ return list(_to.collectSystVars((_to.adaptArg(expr),)))
[docs] def forSystematicVariation(expr, varName): """ Get the equivalent expression with a specific systematic uncertainty variation :param expr: an expression (or proxy) :param varName: name of the variation (e.g. ``jesTotalup``) :returns: the expression for the chosen variation (frozen, so without variations) """ expr = _to.adaptArg(expr) ndPerVar = { vn: vExprNd[expr] for vn, vExprNd in _to.collectSystVars((expr,)).items() if expr in vExprNd} # {varName: [nodes in expr to change]} ndToVar = ndPerVar.get(varName, []) # also get nodes that are affected by this systematic, but not by this variation, # and set them to nominal to avoid them being varied later on ndToNom = {nd for vn, nodes in ndPerVar.items() if vn != varName for nd in nodes if nd not in ndToVar} class either: # or for callables def __init__(self, a, b): self.a = a self.b = b def __call__(self, x): return self.a(x) or self.b(x) clNds = list() newExpr = expr.clone(select=either(ndToVar.__contains__, ndToNom.__contains__), selClones=clNds) for nd in clNds: if varName in nd.variations: nd.changeVariation(varName) nd.variations = tuple() # no hash collision because of different wrapped op return newExpr.result
[docs] class MVAEvaluator: """ Small wrapper to make sure MVA evaluation is cached """ def __init__(self, evaluate, returnType=None, toArray=False, toVector=True, useSlots=False): self.evaluate = evaluate self.returnType = returnType self.toArray = toArray self.toVector = toVector self.useSlots = useSlots def __call__(self, *inputs, **kwargs): evalArgs = inputs if all(isinstance(iin, _tp.NumberProxy) for iin in inputs): if self.toArray: evalArgs = (array("float", *(static_cast("float", iin) for iin in inputs)),) elif self.toVector: evalArgs = (initList("std::vector<float>", "float", (static_cast("float", iin) for iin in inputs)),) if self.useSlots: evalArgs = (extVar("unsigned int", "rdfslot_"),) + evalArgs mvaOut = self.evaluate(*evalArgs, returnType=self.returnType) if kwargs.get("defineOnFirstUse", True): mvaOut = defineOnFirstUse(mvaOut) return mvaOut
_mvaExtMap = { "TMVA": [".xml"], "Tensorflow": [".pb"], "Torch": [".pt"], "lwtnn": [".json"], "ONNXRuntime": [".onnx"], "SOFIE": [".hxx"] }
[docs] def mvaEvaluator(fileName, mvaType=None, otherArgs=None, nameHint=None): """ Declare and initialize an MVA evaluator The C++ object is defined (with :py:meth:`bamboo.treefunctions.define`), and can be used as a callable to evaluate. The result of any evaluation will be cached automatically. Currently the following formats are supported: * .xml (``mvaType='TMVA'``) TMVA weights file, evaluated with a ``TMVA::Experimental::RReader`` * .pt (``mvaType='Torch'``) pytorch script files (loaded with ``torch::jit::load``). * .pb (``mvaType='Tensorflow'``) tensorflow graph definition (loaded with Tensorflow-C). The ``otherArgs`` keyword argument should be ``(inputNodeNames, outputNodeNames)``, where each of the two can be a single string, or an iterable of them. In the case of multiple input nodes, the input values for each should also be passed as separate arguments when evaluating (see below). Input values for multi-dimensional nodes should be flattened (row-order per node, and then the different nodes). The output will be flattened in the same way if the output node has more than one dimension, or if there are multiple output nodes. * .json (``mvaType='lwtnn'``) lwtnn json. The ``otherArgs`` keyword argument should be passed the lists of input and output nodes/values, as C++ initializer list strings, e.g. ``'{ { "node_0", "variable_0" }, { "node_0", "variable_1" } ... }'`` and ``'{ "out_0", "out_1" }'``. * .onnx (``mvaType='ONNXRuntime'``) ONNX file, evaluated with ONNX Runtime. The ``otherArgs`` keyword argument should the name of the output node (or a list of those) * .hxx (``mvaType='SOFIE'``) ROOT SOFIE generated header file The ``otherArgs`` keyword argument should be the path to the ``.dat`` weights file (if not specified, it will taken by replacing the weight file extension from ``.hxx`` to ``.dat``). Note: only available in ROOT>=6.26.04. :param fileName: file with MVA weights and structure :param mvaType: type of MVA, or library used to evaluate it (Tensorflow, Torch, or lwtnn). If absent, this is guessed from the fileName extension :param otherArgs: other arguments to construct the MVA evaluator (either as a string (safest), or as an iterable) :param nameHint: name hint, see :py:meth:`bamboo.treefunctions.define` :returns: a proxy to a method that takes the inputs as arguments, and returns a ``std::vector<float>`` of outputs For passing the inputs to the evaluator, there are two options * if a list of numbers is passed, as in the example below, they will be converted to an array of ``float`` (with a ``static_cast``). The rationale is that this is the most common simple case, which should be made as convenient as possible. * if the MVA takes inputs in a different type than ``float`` or has multiple input nodes (supported for Tensorflow and ONNX Runtime), an array-like object of the correct type should be passed for each of the input nodes. No other conversions will be automatically inserted, so these should be done when constructing the inputs (e.g. with :py:meth:`~bamboo.treefunctions.array` and :py:meth:`~bamboo.treefunctions.construct`(:py:meth:`~bamboo.treefunctions.initList`)). This is a bit more work, but gives maximal control over the generated code. :Example: >>> mu = tree.Muon[0] >>> nn1 = mvaEvaluator("") >>> Plot.make1D("mu_nn1", nn1(, mu.eta, mu.phi), hasMu) .. warning:: By default the MVA output will be added as a column (``Define`` node in the RDataFrame graph) when used, because it is almost always more efficient. In some cases, e.g. if the MVA should only be evaluated if some condition is true, this can cause problems. To avoid this, `defineOnFirstUse=False` should be passed when calling the evaluation, e.g. `nn1(, mu.eta, mu.phi, defineOnFirstUse=False)` in the example above. """ if mvaType is None: import os.path _, ext = os.path.splitext(fileName) try: mvaType = next(k for k, v in _mvaExtMap.items() if ext in v) except StopIteration: raise ValueError(f"Unknown extension {ext!r}, please pass mvaType explicitly") methodName = "evaluate" # default, used for wrappers isConst = True returnType = None toArray = False toVector = True useSlots = False # pass rdfslot_ as first argument to evaluator if mvaType == "TMVA": cppType = "TMVA::Experimental::RReader" argStr = f'"{fileName}"' methodName = "Compute" isConst = False elif mvaType == "SOFIE": from .root import ROOT, getIMTPoolSize, loadHeader, loadBambooSOFIE if not hasattr(ROOT.TMVA.Experimental, "SofieFunctor"): raise RuntimeError(f"SOFIE is not available in this ROOT build") import os modelName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fileName))[0] loadHeader(fileName) loadBambooSOFIE() nSlots = getIMTPoolSize() useSlots = True weightsFile = otherArgs or os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fileName), modelName + ".dat") cppType = f"bamboo::SofieEvaluator<TMVA_SOFIE_{modelName}::Session, float>" argStr = f'{nSlots}, "{weightsFile}"' isConst = False returnType = "vector<float>" elif mvaType == "Tensorflow": from bamboo.root import loadTensorflowC loadTensorflowC() cppType = "bamboo::TensorflowCEvaluator" if isinstance(otherArgs, str): otherArgStr = otherArgs else: inNodeNames, outNodeNames = otherArgs otherArgStr = ", ".join( f'{{ "{ndNameList}" }}' if isinstance(ndNameList, str) else "{{ {0} }}".format(", ".join(f'"{nd}"' for nd in ndNameList)) for ndNameList in (inNodeNames, outNodeNames)) argStr = f'"{fileName}", {otherArgStr}' returnType = "vector<float>" toArray = True elif mvaType == "Torch": from bamboo.root import loadLibTorch loadLibTorch() cppType = "bamboo::TorchEvaluator" argStr = f'"{fileName}"' elif mvaType == "lwtnn": from bamboo.root import loadlwtnn loadlwtnn() cppType = "bamboo::LwtnnEvaluator" argStr = '"{}", {}'.format(fileName, (", ".join( repr(arg) for arg in otherArgs) if str(otherArgs) != otherArgs else otherArgs)) elif mvaType == "ONNXRuntime": from bamboo.root import loadONNXRuntime loadONNXRuntime() cppType = "bamboo::ONNXRuntimeEvaluator" if isinstance(otherArgs, str): outNodeNames = [otherArgs] else: outNodeNames = otherArgs argStr = '"{0}", {{ {1} }}'.format( fileName, ", ".join(f'"{nd}"' for nd in outNodeNames)) isConst = False returnType = "vector<float>" toArray = True else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown MVA type: {ext!r}") evaluator = define(cppType, '{const}auto <<name>> = {0}({1});'.format( cppType, argStr, const=("const " if isConst else "")), nameHint=nameHint) return MVAEvaluator(getattr(evaluator, methodName), returnType=returnType, toArray=toArray, toVector=toVector, useSlots=useSlots)