Source code for bamboo.root

The :py:mod:`bamboo.root` module collects a set of thin wrappers around ROOT
methods, and centralizes the import of the Cling interpreter global namespace
in PyROOT. For compatibility, it is recommended that user code uses
``from bamboo.root import gbl`` rather than ``import ROOT as gbl`` or
``from cppyy import gbl``.
import functools
from contextlib import contextmanager

import pkg_resources

import ROOT; gbl = ROOT  # noqa: E702
_rootVersion = gbl.gROOT.GetVersion()
_rootVersion_split = tuple(int(iv) for tk in _rootVersion.split("/") for iv in tk.split("."))
if _rootVersion_split[0] == 6 and _rootVersion_split[1] < 22:
    gbl.PyConfig.IgnoreCommandLineOptions = True

_includePaths = set()
_headers = set()
_dynamicPaths = set()
_libraries = set()

[docs] def addIncludePath(incPath): """ Add an include path to the ROOT interpreter """ global _includePaths _includePaths.add(incPath) gbl.gInterpreter.AddIncludePath(incPath)
[docs] def loadHeader(headerName): """ Include a C++ header in the ROOT interpreter """ global _headers _headers.add(headerName) gbl.gROOT.ProcessLine(f'#include "{headerName}"')
[docs] def addDynamicPath(libPath): """ Add a dynamic library path to the ROOT interpreter""" global _dynamicPaths _dynamicPaths.add(libPath) gbl.gSystem.AddDynamicPath(libPath)
[docs] def loadLibrary(libName): """ Load a shared library in the ROOT interpreter """ global _libraries _libraries.add(libName) st = gbl.gSystem.Load(libName) if st == -1: raise RuntimeError(f"Library {libName} could not be found") elif st == -2: raise RuntimeError(f"Version match for library {libName}")
[docs] def findLibrary(libName): """ Check if a library can be found, and returns the path in that case """ ret = gbl.gSystem.FindDynamicLibrary(gbl.TString(libName), True) if ret != "": return str(ret)
[docs] def loadDependency(bambooLib=None, includePath=None, headers=None, dynamicPath=None, libraries=None): """ Load a C++ extension :param bambooLib: name(s) of the bamboo extension libraries, if any :param includePath: include directory for headers :param headers: headers to load explicitly (which can depend on other headers in the inclue path) :param dynamicPath: dynamic library path to add :param libraries: additional shared libraries to load """ def asList(arg): if isinstance(arg, str): return [arg] else: return arg if dynamicPath: for pth in asList(dynamicPath): addDynamicPath(pth) if libraries: for lib in asList(libraries): loadLibrary(f"lib{lib}") if includePath: for pth in asList(includePath): addIncludePath(pth) if headers: for hdr in asList(headers): loadHeader(hdr) if bambooLib: for lib in asList(bambooLib): loadLibrary(f"lib{lib}")
def getIMTPoolSize(): return ROOT.GetThreadPoolSize() if ROOT.IsImplicitMTEnabled() else 0 @contextmanager def returnToDirectory(): gpwd = gbl.gDirectory.GetPath() yield
[docs] class once: """ Function decorator to make sure things are not loaded more than once """ def __init__(self, fun): = fun self.has_run = False functools.update_wrapper(self, fun) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.has_run: self.has_run = True return*args, **kwargs)
_defaultHeaders = ("Math/VectorUtil.h", "bamboohelpers.h", "range.h", "LumiMask.h", "bamboorandom.h", "scalefactors.h", "BTagCalibrationStandalone.h") _defaultBambooLibs = ("BambooLumiMask", "BambooRandom", "BinnedValues") _defaultDependencies = ("ROOT::ROOTDataFrame", "ROOT::GenVector") @once def loadBambooExtensions(): # Add extension libraries and necessary header files to the ROOT interpreter incDir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("bamboo", "include") libDir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("bamboo", "lib") import os.path if not (os.path.exists(incDir) and os.path.exists(libDir)): raise RuntimeError( f"Could not find {incDir} and/or {libDir}, this may happen when running " "from the source repository and using a virtualenv with non-editable install") addIncludePath(incDir) addDynamicPath(libDir) # now load default headers and libraries for lib in _defaultBambooLibs: loadLibrary(f"lib{lib}") for fname in _defaultHeaders: loadHeader(fname) @once def loadJMESystematicsCalculators(backend=None): try: import CMSJMECalculators # noqa: F401 except ImportError: raise RuntimeError( "Could not load jet&MET correction and systematic variations calculators. " "Please install them (see " "for more information)" ) from None loadBambooExtensions() loader = backend.addDependency if backend else loadDependency import pkg_resources inc_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("CMSJMECalculators", "include") libDir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("CMSJMECalculators", "lib") loader(includePath=inc_dir, headers="JMESystematicsCalculators.h") loader(dynamicPath=libDir, libraries="CMSJMECalculators") if backend: calc_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("CMSJMECalculators", "cmake") backend.addDependency( package="CMSJMECalculators", cmakeArgs=f"-DCMSJMECalculators_DIR={calc_dir}", ) @once def loadRochesterCorrectionCalculator(backend=None): loadBambooExtensions() loader = backend.addDependency if backend else loadDependency loader(bambooLib="RoccoR", headers="RochesterCorrectionCalculator.h") getattr(gbl, "RochesterCorrectionCalculator::result_t") # trigger dictionary generation @once def loadTauESCorrectionCalculator(backend=None): loadBambooExtensions() loader = backend.addDependency if backend else loadDependency loader(headers="TauESCorrectionCalculator.h") getattr(gbl, "TauESCorrectionCalculator::result_t") # trigger dictionary generation @once def loadSVfitCalculator(backend=None, pathToSVfit=""): loadBambooExtensions() loader = backend.addDependency if backend else loadDependency import os incPath, dynPath = None, None if "VIRTUAL_ENV" in os.environ and pathToSVfit == "": incPath = os.path.join(os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"], "../ClassicSVfit/interface") dynPath = os.path.join(os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"], "../build-ClassicSVfit-FastMTT/src") elif pathToSVfit != "": incPath = os.path.join(pathToSVfit, "../ClassicSVfit/interface") dynPath = os.path.join(pathToSVfit, "../build-ClassicSVfit-FastMTT/src") else: raise RuntimeError( "Could not load SVfit." ) loader(headers="SVfitBambooProducer.h", includePath=incPath, dynamicPath=dynPath, libraries="ClassicSVfit") @once def loadLibTorch(backend=None): if loadTensorflowC.has_run: raise RuntimeError("If loading both Tensorflow-C and libtorch, the latter should be loaded first") loadBambooExtensions() torchLib = findLibrary("libtorch") dynPath = None if (not torchLib) and pkg_resources.resource_filename("torch", "lib"): dynPath = pkg_resources.resource_filename("torch", "lib") loader = backend.addDependency if backend else loadDependency loader(bambooLib="BambooTorch", headers="bambootorch.h", dynamicPath=dynPath) def _addVirtualEnvPaths(): import os incPath, dynPath = None, None if "VIRTUAL_ENV" in os.environ: incPath = addIncludePath(os.path.join(os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"], "include")) dynPath = addDynamicPath(os.path.join(os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"], "lib")) return incPath, dynPath @once def loadTensorflowC(backend=None): loadBambooExtensions() tfLib = findLibrary("libtensorflow") incPath, dynPath = None, None if not tfLib: incPath, dynPath = _addVirtualEnvPaths() loader = backend.addDependency if backend else loadDependency loader(bambooLib="BambooTensorflowC", headers="bambootensorflowc.h", includePath=incPath, dynamicPath=dynPath, libraries="tensorflow") @once def loadlwtnn(backend=None): loadBambooExtensions() lwtnnLib = findLibrary("liblwtnn") incPath, dynPath = None, None if not lwtnnLib: incPath, dynPath = _addVirtualEnvPaths() loader = backend.addDependency if backend else loadDependency loader(bambooLib="BambooLwtnn", headers="bamboolwtnn.h", includePath=incPath, dynamicPath=dynPath, libraries="lwtnn") @once def loadONNXRuntime(backend=None): loadBambooExtensions() onnxRuntimeLib = findLibrary("libonnxruntime") incPath, dynPath = None, None if not onnxRuntimeLib: incPath, dynPath = _addVirtualEnvPaths() onnxRuntimeLib = findLibrary("libonnxruntime") import os.path incDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(onnxRuntimeLib)), "include") if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(incDir, "onnxruntime")): incDir = os.path.join(incDir, "onnxruntime") onnx_cxx_hdr = os.path.join(incDir, "core", "session", "onnxruntime_cxx_api.h") if not os.path.isfile(onnx_cxx_hdr): raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find onnxruntime header {onnx_cxx_hdr}") loader = backend.addDependency if backend else loadDependency loader(bambooLib="BambooONNXRuntime", headers="bambooonnxruntime.h", includePath=os.path.dirname(onnx_cxx_hdr), dynamicPath=dynPath, libraries="onnxruntime") @once def loadBambooSOFIE(backend=None): loadBambooExtensions() loader = backend.addDependency if backend else loadDependency loader(headers="bamboosofie.h") @once def loadcorrectionlib(backend=None): loader = backend.addDependency if backend else loadDependency loader(headers="correction.h", includePath=pkg_resources.resource_filename("correctionlib", "include"), dynamicPath=pkg_resources.resource_filename("correctionlib", "lib"), libraries="correctionlib" )